Confidence: a
(A = very confident, B = quite confident, C = not very confident)
The decision: a
A. accept as is (editorial changes only, can be done by the editor)
B. accept, requires changes by the author to be approved by the editor
C. reject, substantial author's revisions needed before resubmission
for another review
D. decision delayed, MML revision needed
E. reject, no hope of getting anything of value
Presentation: 0
(0 - very poor, 1 - poor, 2 - good, 3 - very good)
The quality of formalization: 2
(0 - very poor, 1 - poor, 2 - good, 3 - very good)
Significance for MML: 1
(0 - very poor, 1 - poor, 2 - good, 3 - very good)
Justification/comments (to be forwarded to the authors)
Nie mam zastrzeżeń do artykułu.
Comments to editors only
Bardzo dobry artykuł.
MML remarks
Brak uwag.